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Therapy in Murals is a vital component of  CAP UK as an arts provider in prisons and beyond. Therapy In Murals does do exactly what it’s name suggests, ‘therapy’ in murals. It’s a non-formal and therapeutic activity designed to be inclusive of all skill levels from virtually none to very high functional. Therapy in Murals is a non-clinical approach to therapeutic activities that may benefit wellbeing and enhance the journey of self exploration. Therapy in Murals’  facilitators will look for organic connections with individuals’ life circumstances and artistic expressions they see . They may also teach learners  how to hear the ‘inner voice’ through artistic ideas and impressions.


Typically there will be planning times in group settings. These will be times when the team will decide what the collective voice needs to be say and how it can be said in art?’ Every aspect of the community will always be considered before the actual process of applying murals begin.There is always great care to be mindful of the collective needs of the immediate community and what sort of message will help and encourage all. These sessions can be vitally useful for the whole (prison) community to understand what the needs are and how the work is actually helping the environment. Sessions are sometimes accompanied with music to enhance the creative streams in the group. Again the whole team and community in the direct environment would be considered in this process.

Why Therapy in Murals ?
Therapy In Murals
Therapy in Murals - Beauty


Students will always be encouraged to help each other reach their best potentials by creating a culture of positive encouragement and affirmation whatever skills each of the group bring. Therapy in Murals’ staff will always be on the look-out for peer mentors and leader types to motivate the rest of the group wherever possible. The group will also be encouraged in their own ideas to give them ownership of the projects as much as is possible.


Apart from being a happy and productive indulgence, Therapy in Murals is also a way of getting away from stress and problems that may exist on the wings or in the individuals environments. Therapy in Murals facilitators will assess individuals and groups to see what is the best way they can work as teams in bringing areas to life,  physical environmental and personal. 

Education in Murals 

Common area murals can be both a colourful and informative voice, allowing messages to be heard that may otherwise have been quiet, and can also be a very useful way to learn. Poliitical groups have used large scale images to depict their version of the truth whilst others have simply conveyed historical facts of an area. People of war torn districts and ghettos find a voice on walls and boundaries. 

In a learning environment, however murals are a powerful media and tool to teach students many things. From inspirational people and quotes to simple maths and english skills, murals are the heros of communication skills in problematic areas.

© Community Arts Projects

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